Literacy-Based Therapy Challenge
In just 5 days, break past the roadblocks preventing you from
strengthening your practice with literacy-based therapy +
learn how to efficiently plan for literacy-based lessons
in as little as 10 minutes per week!
Fellow SLP: What do you think when you hear literacy-based therapy?
Maybe your thoughts go a little something like this:
Gosh, it would be nice to do something more with my groups than pulling games off the shelf and drilling with stimulus cards.
I know literacy-based therapy can help my students be more successful in the classroom + their daily lives.
As great as it sounds, it’s overwhelming to know where to start and seems tough to plan for.
If your relationship with literacy-based therapy has been full of wishful thinking at best, you’ll want to join me for the free, 5-day challenge, where you’ll get:
Daily, 5-minute tutorials to introduce you to the core steps of successful LBT
A robust workbook and templates to streamline your planning
Free, tried-and-tested therapy materials that will make lesson prep a breeze
PLUS you'll walk away with a month-long therapy plan, created in less than 10 minutes per day.
(And the skills and materials you need to make this a regular occurrence, month after month!)
“I wanted to use more books in therapy, and I was overwhelmed by having to break them down to target skills. I appreciate that you have that all figured out for us.”
Laura J.
Who's behind the Challenge?
Hey, I’m Marisha! I created SLP Now®because I know what it’s like...
I was working countless hours -- starting work at 5am, skipping lunch, dragging home paperwork -- just trying to keep up with my workload. I wanted to provide my students with the services that they deserve, but I was quickly spiraling towards burnout.
I knew there had to be a better way.
That's when I started doing my own research to create materials and tools that make my job easier. Before long, my overwhelm was minimized and I started loving my job again. I finally had a life outside of school!
It's time you experienced the impact literacy-based therapy can have on your caseload (no matter its size or diversity!) and your sanity.
“SLP Now’s literacy based units are amazing and work really well for my caseload. I have always loved using books in therapy for a lot of reasons but the framework and research provided by Marisha have given me a lot of confidence about this approach.”
Leigh A.
“I was going from private practice to school-based and wanted to incorporate more literacy based activities. SLP Now provides a complementary way for how I like to plan, and is a definite time saver. I really like being able to target several different goals with the same activities in the same book!”
Jenessa B.
“Constantly trying to be prepared for each therapy session was causing me to burn out. With SLP Now, it’s all there. I never did literacy activities before, but it’s a lot of fun and I am seeing more consistency in my students’ carryover of skills.”
Connie S.