Ever have students walk through the door and you think...
"What are we going to
do today?"
No more! Check out our top 5 therapy planning hacks to plan your week without breaking a sweat!
Even with a manageable caseload size, you may be navigating a very complex range of needs. Or your caseload may be so large that you're drowning just trying to do the bare minimum.
Your time is spent keeping up with general therapy duties, paperwork, meetings, and life in general, it's no wonder therapy planning takes a backseat to virtually all other responsibilities.
Yet, like most SLPs you believe students should be engaged and interested in the session and this is best ensured when you have planned and prepped!
And even though it's hard, we push through (before school, after work and on lunch hours) because we know the rewards:
Watching something 'click' with a student
Hearing previously non-verbal students speak
When the parents tell you that they never thought their child would communicate
Helping others bridge the communication gap so everyone can have a voice
But you also know that you can't make more time in the day by living off of TPT or scouring blogs and Pinterest for ideas. We need to work smarter, not harder. We can do that by condensing planning while still making it a priority.