Master Your Paperwork Challenge
In just 5 days, gain a new view of paperwork as you
build a process that puts you in control, decreases your overwhelm
no matter the number of IEPs or evaluations on your plate,
and helps you say what you never thought you would:
"Doing paperwork is a welcome part of my day!"
Fellow SLP: Caseload counts are growing, and with that comes more…
If just reading that made you groan, know you're not alone. SLPs everywhere talk about paperwork like this:
"All of my 'planning' time is spent writing reports, case managing, and getting ready for upcoming presentations and meetings."
"I never feel caught up with paperwork but try to be present regardless. Mostly, I just feel tired."
"I have no time to prep if I want to get my paperwork done at school and not take it home."
If those thoughts sound eerily familiar and your relationship with paperwork has historically been volatile at best, you'll want to join me for the free, 5-day Master Your Paperwork Challenge, where you'll get:
Daily, 5-minute tips + tutorials to help you build a process for your paperwork that fits your needs
A robust workbook + cheat sheets to guide you along the way
A community of people to answer your q's and share ideas
…and you'll come out of it feeling less stressed, with less work to take home, and more time for your students. (And yourself.)
"I have 17 years of experience but this is my first year in an elementary school. HUGE CHALLENGES of caseload, paperwork, and mixed groups made me need help!"
Who's behind the Challenge?

Hey, I'm Marisha! I created SLP Now®because I know what it's like...
I was working countless hours -- starting work at 5am, skipping lunch, dragging home paperwork -- just trying to keep up with my workload. I wanted to provide my students with the services that they deserve, but I was quickly spiraling towards burnout.
I knew there had to be a better way.
That's when I started doing my own research to create materials and tools that make my job easier. Before long, my overwhelm was minimized and I started loving my job again. I finally had a life outside of school!
I share my entire suite of 3,000+ evidence-backed therapy materials and robust caseload management tools inside the SLP Now® Membership, but I'll tell you where my journey to mitigating burnout and working smarter, not harder started:
By conquering my paperwork, instead of letting it conquer me.