I was running around like a headless chicken. I was spending countless hours prepping every week, and I was so tired of the battlefield in my therapy room at the end of every day.
I couldn’t keep up!
That’s when I decided to work smarter.
I created a streamlined set of materials that can be used to target goals in conjunction with a variety of materials (e.g., curriculum, books). After I spent a few hours setting everything up, my weekly prep became so incredibly simple!
Better yet? I started seeing my students make more progress as a result of using more contextualized therapy.
All of the therapy materials inside the tote are included in the SLP Now Membership! (We also created a Quick Start course to help you build a core set of materials in as little as 30 minutes–super easy to follow checklists and time-saving hacks included!)
Click here for a peek at the tools that I used to organize the tote.
Therapy Tote
First things first! I needed a place to keep all of the materials.
I love this tote because it makes it incredibly simple to stay organized. It’s nice and compact and super easy to transport.
Skill Visuals
I use my visuals all. the. time! I use them when first introducing a new skill and throughout therapy. I’ve also had success sharing the visuals with teachers to work towards generalization.
Here’s a peek at one of my following directions visuals:
Sentence Kit
When it comes to early language and grammar goals, I found myself needing better visuals to support my students. This sentence kit has been a lifesaver! (You can find the visuals to print on SLP Now!)
Card Deck Box
I use my card decks for initial structured practice and then use them to jump into structured practice.
If you’re looking for some ideas, check out my grammar posts!
Assessment Binder
I also keep assessments in my binder so I can easily access them!
I hope this gave you some inspiration to organize your materials!
My challenge for you: Pick one tool/strategy that you can use to revamp your organization. Then, make it happen! It can feel overwhelming to tackle organizing your materials. It’s so much easier tackle one little project at a time. What will your first step be?
P.S. If you need materials, you can get access to all of my favorite materials and tools in the SLP Now membership!
This post is amazing. It’s my 7th year as an SLP and I felt like I spent the first few acquiring materials and now all I want to do is declutter and get organized. Also, I may have missed it but was there a link for the box you use to store the cards?
That’s so good to hear! Thank you, Lindsey!
Here’s the link! http://www.michaels.com/creative-options-deep-utility-organizer/10324327.html#q=deep+utility+organizer&start=1
What materials are in the tote? I already have a membership. Are they the basic skills packs? I can also see an assessment binder in there. I am curious what you pack it with. Thanks!
Sure thing! The visuals for skills (https://app.slpnow.com/materials/search-all/therapist-tool/grid?category=visuals) are in the hanging folders, the assessments for skills (https://app.slpnow.com/materials/search-all/therapist-tool/grid?category=assessment) are in the Assessment binder, and the cards (https://app.slpnow.com/materials/search-all/therapist-tool/grid?category=cards) are in the little box.
There’s also a course in the Academy that breaks this down! https://app.slpnow.com/home?appcue=-LINz9N13u3V1QtIXeFq
Hey Marisha! Do you have an amazon link for those beautiful colored dividers. All the ones I’m finding are like neon! Ew. So not relaxing and soothing. =)
Here you are! https://amzn.to/2x0VcB6
They weren’t that expensive when I bought them though.
These might be a good alternative! https://amzn.to/2x08vlk
Do you store the activity pages with the visuals? For example, I know that there are activity pages for Antonyms.
I usually pull those up on the iPad, but I would store the activity pages with the visuals if I did print them! 🙂
Your organization systems have changed my therapy world! I love having skill packs in folders with page protectors ready to go. Having themed folders ready as well makes for simple go to planning! It was a big undertaking and a little pricey of a change but totally worth to preserve my sanity and time!!